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Conditions of Use Conditions of Use

Preamble and are internet websites. They offers various services about search and commerce of components and relative accessories for the recharge, the hunting and sporting activity. The dominion names represent the SIARM S.R.L. headquartered in Turati 65 Street, 09045 Quartus Sant'Elena, recorded part.IVA 03026750921 to the room of commerce of Cagliari.

General condition of sale

The present dispositions define the conditions of sale for the clients of the sites and Whoever frequents these websites, physical people or firms, is considered clients. Siarm can modify at any moment the conditions of both websites, pointing out however and always the date of the last updating at the end of the present document.

Description of the products and guarantee a correct presentation of their products through special technical cards, but in any case they cannot be responsible for wrong data gave by a builder or a retailer or however included in these websites

Important legal information and cannot know every possible international legislative restrictions on the products so Siarm cannot guarantee that the client is legally trained to purchase, bring and use of a specific article proposed in these websites. The buyer must know the local laws about bring and use of the object when it will be bought.

Prices of the products

The prices in the websites and are express in Euro and they aren't comprehensive of iva; every possible cost of consignment and insurance (of the package) must be excluded.

Order of products

The order of the products happens through the websites and About these operations the client must fill out the special form and attentively reread before to send it. and cannot be responsible for wrongs about sending of e-mail or relative to delivery of the package if they are caused by incorrect information and inAcorrect (personal) data inserted by the client.

Confirmation of the order

For all the orders effected on the websites and, an e-mail for confirmation of order will be sent automatically to the address signalled by the client in its card date.

Costs of consignment

The costs of consignment in Italy are currently showed in the websites and can be change without warning. The cost of consignment in Europe changes in relation to: destination of shipping, dimension, weight or value. An incidental reimburse could be given only after contact or communication between sender and recipient and only in agreement with the sender. The consignment is possible through postal package or courier express; the client can pay for cash on delivery, through I banking, I through postal current account or with credit card. The cost for the consignment depend on the value of the purchase. In Italy for an order over 250 Euro the postal expenses is free. In European States (UE) the postal expenses is free for an order over Euro 500,00.

Modality of payment

The payment can be made to the messenger during the delivery of the package, in advance with I on banking c/c or in advance with I on postal c/c (for the data about banking c/c or postal c/c It can be saw the model of order clicking on "Contact"). If there are some problems or failure of the transaction, the client is begged to send an e-mail with the special form "contact us" or to or About payments on banking c/c or on postal c/c effected out of Italy is very important to point out that all the banking expenses must be paid by the client.

Lack of payment and can always stop the consignment of the package if the client has not regularly paid the whole amount or there are legal actions in progress related to the order in object.


Whatever is the formality of order and the formality of payment the client will receive the invoice or receipt inside the package sent by the SIARM S.R.L. who maintains a copy numbered Aof every invoice / receipt.

Attention: For the invoice and absolutely need for the fiscal code of the client (to insert in the form of order).

Delivery of the product

The product is delivered to the address pointed out on the form of order. When the address of delivery is different, the client must point out (in the form of order) the two different addresses, to avoid wrongs of delivery of the commodity.

Restitution of the product

If the product that reaches the client had to result defective, it can be re-sent to SIARM S.R.L. within 15 days from the date of reception. It has to be complete of his original pack, with all the annexed accessories. The product can be replaced or refunded. If It will be refunded, the refunded amount will be alone that of the same product, without possible charge of packing, consignment or insurance.

The charge shipping of return will be paid by client of or Siarm s.r.l. exhort to make a insured dispatch of the consignment because the trip back is under the complete responsibility of the client.

The ruined products will not be refunded by an incorrect use of the client.

Receded by the purchase

Within 10 days of the receipt of the product the client has the right to recede from the purchase. If the client decides to use this right he must send an e-mail or fax to the SIARM S.R.L. specifying:

the code of the product which is object of recess right the registry data (name, last name, address, n° of telephone, number and registered holder of the proper c/c as wel as ABI and CAB of his/her own bank) the motive of the restitution and to re-send the package to the SIARM S.R.L.. in Turati 65 street, 09045 Quartu Sant'Elena (CA)

Also in this case the shipping and handling of return must be paid by client and and Siarm s.r.l. exhort to make a insured dispatch of the consignment because the trip back is under the complete responsibility of the client.

During the delivery ofA the product to and who will provide to make an I banking on the number c/c, it is premised that the product and the relative wrapping are substantially entire.


All the products commercialized by and can be covered by a contractual guarantee from the builders. This contract of guarantee is stipulated between the client and the house builder during the purchase, the invoice and the guarantee of the builder show it.

The duration of this contractual guarantee and its conditions of application vary in operation of the builder and the client will have to carefully read and to preserve that paper of guarantee during the life of the purchased product.

General responsibility and decline every responsibility about damn or indemnification for:

the wrong use or the tampering of the products by client or third the total or partial impossibility of use of the products for incompatibility of materials or software websites connected directly or indirectly to and, about them siarm s.r.l. has not any responsibility for information published on such sites. The links with sites of third parts are exclusively furnished to informative title and convenience and they don't implicate any guarantee respect their contents.


All the clients of and must read the present general conditions of sale before every purchase because siarm s.r.l. has the right to modify or to adjourn its contents in any moment.

May 01 th 2005

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